Saturday 5 March 2011

Hotel Shoot

So, if you read my last post, you'll kow that my first shoot of 2011 used the model's home as the location for the shoot. Perhaps the main advantage of this appraoch, is that the model felt very realxed, and that comfort really came through in the images, and made my job a lot easier. Although there were some challenges, namely shooting in someones home, whilst trying to make sure that it didn't look (too much) like you were shooting in someones home, you know?

I thought I'd like to experiment more along these lines, and so I decided to offer a limited number of TFCD shoots to allow me to experiment in shooting in a small area like a room or house. The location for these shoots would be an hotel in Cardiff. I arranged with the hotel to allow me to use a room for only a few hours, for a reduced fee. The hotel were great, really accomodating, and we organised a deal that we were both happy with.

The purpose of these shoots was to really expand upon what I had learnt from my previous shoot, and hopefully get a couple of good images out of it. My previous shoot had centred around a latex dress, leaning towards a fetish sytle, and so most of the images were kinda edgy, using hard light. For my first shoot in the hotel, I wanted to go to the other end of the scale and shoot something brighter and softer, leaning more towards glamour - not quite my usual cup of tea, but like I said, it was a chance to try-out something different.

I've got a few hotel shoots lined-up, but I've only actually shot one of them so far, and I'm really looking-forward to the rest of them. The first shoot was with Amanita Mascara, a great model, with plenty of ideas, and a load of different outfits / accessories. These were all shot with just a speelight and a shoot-through umbrella:

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