Thursday 8 September 2011

I think we should see other people...

Right then, let's be honest: this blog is clearly the single best photography blog in the interwebverse. However, believe-it-or-not, it isn't the only one. Honestly! Not even joking. Now then, have five minutes to recover from the shock, then, once you've regained your breath, may I suggest that you go and have a look at (NSFW) Pretty Girl Shooter. It's written by a guy called Jimmy DiGiorgio, and I find it to be a constant source of intelligent posts, interesting ideas, and on-top of that, a healthy dose of photographic inspiration.

Jimmy is essentially a Glamour / Tease photographer, but one who writes posts about all sorts of topics, ranging from lighting techniques, photographic theory, equipment reviews, straight-forward practical advice, and occasionally he even sprinkles in a little Zen / philosophy. It's clear that he really thinks about what he does, and fortunately for us, he then shares these thoughts on his blog.

Personally, I really like his un-pretentious, practical, yet thought-provoking approach to photography and blogging. He's very up-front that he's only expressing his own opinion, and he's certainly not trying to convert any of his readers to any one particular way of thinking, but it is exactly that (i.e. his own opinion) that I find so interesting and informative. He usually writes one-or-two articles a week, in nice, easily-digestible sizes, which I can pretty-much guarantee will give you something to think about, and may well change the way you approach your next shoot.